Molding the Attachment

Plastic Bottle Prosthetics
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Design Process

The following decision matrix compares several methods of shaping plastic bottles into prosthetic parts. We decided to test each of the methods in lab because the resulting values were all relatively close.

Shaping Theoretical Decision Matrix:

Weight 25 5 20 15 15 20 100%
Shaping Method Cost/
Time Skill/
Heat Gun/Blow Dryer 2 5 3 2 5 4 3.2
Boiling Water 4 2 4 4 2 5 3.8
3 2 3 3 2 3 2.8
Propane Torch 2 5 2 2 5 4 3
Open Flame 5 3 5 5 3 1 2.55

After testing, it was clear that boiling water, a propane torch and an open flame were the best shaping methods. Heating with a blow dryer did not work at all, and an open flame worked much better than expected

Shaping Test Results Matrix:

Weight 25 5 20 15 15 20 100%
Shaping Method Cost/
Time Skill/
Boiling Water 4 3 5 4 2 5 4.05
Propane Torch 2 5 2 2 5 2 2.6
Open Flame 5 3 4 5 3 3 4

It was concluded that Boiling water or an open flame were both viable options.

Then arose the debate of how to effectively attach an extension that would not only deliver an added functionality, but serve as an extension of the amputee him/herself.

—New Decision Matrices to go here—

Bottle Forming Methods

Propane Torch

Photo Feb 06, 2 19 22 PM.png
The torch method method did not produce uniformly spread heat.

Open Flame

Photo Jan 29, 1 32 02 PM.jpg
An open flame caused the bottle to shrink more uniformly and didn’t require additional equipment or propane.

Mold Casting Methods: Current Approach used by the Center for International Rehabilitation

Mold Casting Methods: Appropriate Technology Approach
The following decision matrix shows data from testing methods of producing a negative of an arm. Plaster will be poured into the negative to form a positive that the bottle will be shaped around. Wax molding scored highest, because of the high accuracy molds, reusable wax and fast drying time. Wax is expensive, but because it is reusable and a versatile material it’s long run cost is less than clay, which is not reusable.

Molding Test Results Matrix:

Category Weight 20 10 30 10 10 80
Molding Method Cost Set Time Shape Accuracy/ Repeatability Training Equipment and Tooling Total
Wax Negative 10 10 34 8 8 70
Clay Negative 7 5 15 9 10 46
Paper Mache Negative 20 1 3 10 10 44

Wax + Plaster Casting

Screen shot 2013-02-09 at 12.06.51 PM.png
A wax mold was made from Aaron’s thumb.
Screen shot 2013-02-09 at 12.03.25 PM.png
The mold was filled plaster of paris, creating a positive of Aaron’s thumb.

Paper Mache


Plaster Casting in the Paper Mache Negative

plaster mold.jpg

Plaster Caste After Drying and a Plastic Mold

plaster arm.jpg