Week 1
Sept 22, Monday: Personal Introductions, Introduction of Focus Groups.
Sept 24, Wednesday: Introduction and Focus Groups
(1) Kofi Annan’s Astonishing Facts
Kofi Annan’s Astonishing Facts
(2) Millennium Development Goals Report. http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/reports.shtml
Please go to reports and download the 2010 report, which is 80 pages. Please read the intro, and each heading and look at the statistics of each graph.
Intro to International Development
Monday, September 29: More organization of groups
(1) Gapminder on TED and see the Video http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_reveals_new_insights_on_poverty.html if this doesn’t work, try TED talk on the Gapminder website
(2) Visit Gapminder http://www.gapminder.org , Make one graph animation, and bring a printout to talk to your group about.
(3) How Development Efforts Fail https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/5986/9780821354681_ch01.pdf
4)Frustrations in Ebola assistance
Wednesday, Oct. 1:
Class Discussion: Millemium Goals, HDI Gini Coefficient New Poverty Index.
(1) http://www.economist.com/node/16693283#footnote1 Read about the Multidimensional Poverty Index in the Economist.
(2) MPI: http://www.ophi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/ophi-wp38.pdf Look at the graph at the beginning of this article, Find DR, Congo, and Guatemala, and glance through the Introduction and conclusion, read last paragraph of conclusion
(3) USA Wealth Gap: Bill Moyers Video
Project Website to be evaluated starting Midnight, Saturday, October 4 – problem statement, group members, contact information, resources, picture of your group having fun. See websites from classes past for templates.
Wk 3 This week: Don’t throw anything away – self intervention.
Midnight, Saturday, Oct. 4, initial website evaluation
Oct. 6 Monday: Talk by Sean Michetti, Peace Corps Recruiter.
Class Discussion: Concept of international development
Preparation for Class: Read Five papers:
(1) Sachs “Can extreme poverty be eliminated?” http://povertynewsblog.blogspot.com/2005/08/jeffrey-sachs-can-extreme-poverty-be.html
(2) Easterly, “A Modest Proposal: Economic Possibilities for our time”: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25562-2005Mar10.html
(3) Bageant, “On international development” http://www.joebageant.com/joe/2009/04/escape-from-the-zombie-food-court.html
(4) “To Hell with Good Intentions” http://www.swaraj.org/illich_hell.htm
(5) Pete’s Guateca Development Paper
Oct. 8 Wednesday HW (Book Reports on Maya Culture), Start 1st 5 minute presentations
(1) Read: Kloos, Awash Dam – Be prepared to answer the question, “What caused the famine?” What are the take away messages of this article?
(2) Advancements in Maternal Health effectiveness depending on the external environment (ie-Country) http://www.odi.org.uk/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/publications-opinion-files/7696.pdf
(3) When Good Aid Goes Bad
Wk 4
Oct. 13, Monday (book Reports on Colonialism and Collapse of Society), More 1st Group Presentations
Readings on Neocolonialism:
(1) Interview with John Perkins (Audio interview can be found: http://www.alternativeradio.org/products/perj001, Additionally, he has his own website at http://www.johnperkins.org/.
(2) Sorry for Syphilis: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/02/health/research/02infect.html
(3) “50 Years is Enough” Network. Please look it up on the web, and find out what they are advocating.
(4) Guatemala’s 36-year war: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/04/opinion/04schlesinger.html
(5) Politics and how important it is to train leaders rather than just put them in power
(6) Please don’t forget to read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Oct. 15, (Book Reports on Neocolonialism) Wednesday – Student Readings on other Solutions, Finish 1st Presentations. Alcenat Honorat comes to second half of class to talk to anyone who wants to talk about Haiti.
(1) Ferguson, Epilogue, The Anti-Politics machine: Development. Pete finds this article frustratingly difficult to read, yet it has a beautiful message making the frustration worth it. Ferguson goes through different stake holders and unravels what we thing should be done by different people. This is also frustrating when we realize that it isn’t easy. In the end, however, he does say that yes, there is something that you can do – see if you can find this message.
(2) Small is Beautiful Excerpt
(3) Please don’t forget to read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Wk 5
Oct. 20 Monday (Book Reports on Struggles of the People), more reading on smaller solutions
(1) Lauren Wilcox: Designing New Technologies for a Better Life:
(1) Empathy in Design
-empathy in design leads to problem solving
(2) Paul Polak:
a) 12 Steps (http://gigaom.com/2008/11/01/paul-polak-15-rules-for-business-success-in-any-market/)
b) See the 12 steps video: http://www.paulpolak.com/html/media_video.html
c) Read the “Don’t Bother Trilogy”: http://blogs.technet.com/b/jamesu/archive/2008/11/19/paul-polak-and-the-art-of-listening.aspx
(3) Begin Self-Intervention discussion. “I can’t do that!” => “what would have to change for that to happen?”
(4) Please don’t forget to read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Oct. 22, Wednesday – Book Reports on the people and the forest. Read:
(1) Read “Indigenous Management of Tropical Forest Ecosystems: The case of the Kayapó Indians of the Brazilian Amazon”
(2) PAKSBAB Pakistan Straw Bale Homes
(3) Cal Straw Bale Home Builders
Mark Phillips talks about building load-bearing straw bale homes in Pakistan.
(4) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Wk 6 (Interventions, AID)
Oct. 27, Monday: Book Reports on Some Perspectives on AID
(1) Pete’s NCIIA Rejection Rejection Letter
(2) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
(3) Joe Biden on developing Latin America
Oct. 29, Wednesday: Book Reports about Development: Roger Visits Class!!
(1) Please Read The CIA Fact Book on Guatemala and D.R. Congo; https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/
(2) Read about Working Villages and in particular read the R&D page to see their development model.
(3) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Second Project Website to be evaluated starting Midnight, Saturday, November 1 – problem statement, group members, contact information, resources, picture of your group having fun. See websites from classes past for templates.
ADDITIONALLY – please check main page, as you may be giving a presentation next Monday. If you need to change days, please contact a group from another day and see if you can trade with them.
ADDITIONALLY – before Midnight Saturday, November 1, please send Steph:
steph@journeymaninternational.org an Email reporting how things are going in your group:
– is everyone pulling their weight? Are there any interesting conflicts? Is it productive? Are you learning lots? This doesn’t have to be a long report – it can be one or two sentences if there’s nothing interesting, but all is good. The issue is that if there is any difficulty, we’d like to know so we can work on it together.
Wk 7
Nov. 3, Monday: Book Reports on Working with People,
Log into the Self Intervention Page Write what you plan on doing.
Second Presentations and Discussions: Disabilities (Blindness), family planning, maternal care, famine, Solar Cookers
Some Reading:
(1) http://blog.paulpolak.com/?p=376 (See both videos at the bottom of the website) YouTube of Charcoal Briquette Making.
(2) Stakeholder Analysis of “Fuel in the Fields”, S. Frayne. Distinguish Importance from Influence
(3) Conduct a stakeholder’s analysis of “Fuel in the Fields” using this worksheet.
(4) Movie on Guatemala Post Earthquake
(5) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Nov. 5, Book Reports on Design and Appropriate Technology, Second Presentation:
swimming lessons, menstruation huts, sanitation, chocolate in africa, collaborative education model
(1) LED lighting: Nobel Prize and Game Changer in Global South
(2) Proposal: Lighting the Way
(3) Homework on Stake Holders for your project such as the Bamboo Project did with their Stake Holder Analysis
(4) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Meeting next Wednesday, Nov. 12 at the Student Experimental Farm. Please see the map for directions. You may want to coordinate rides with others in the class.
Wk 8
Nov. 10, Monday: Book reports on Micro Lending and Business Solutions.
Second Presentation:
Pacific Islands, coffee in Haiti, aquaponics in Tanzania, Haitian Deforestation and Aid Model, Natural Building, Natural disasters
Some Reading:
(1) Sustainability, Footprint
(2) please see video Muhammad Yunus’s Nobel Documentary
(3) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Meeting Wednesday at the Student Experimental Farm. Please see the map for directions. You may want to coordinate rides with others in the class.
(4) Guidelines to kickstarter video.
Nov. 12, Wednesday:
MEET AT THE STUDENT EXPERIMENTAL FARM Wednesday, Nov.12. We will have a regular class there with one group presentation, Panel Discussion, and Quiz… and a Role Play. As I asked before – Please walk there if you have no other means. People with cars, please leave at 10 after and pick up your classmates on the way. Thanks! People with Bikes – bike! Map to SEF
Meeting today at the Student Experimental Farm. Please see the map for directions. You may want to coordinate rides with others in the class. There will still be a reading quiz.
Book reports on (more) Micro Lending, Wheel Chair Role-play.
Some More Reading:
(1) Read about wheelchairs in Zambia: Disacare
(2) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Wk 9
Nov. 17
(1) Smoke: Killer in the Kitchen
(2) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
Nov. 19, Wednesday Book Reports on innovative design
(1) read the papers of your colleagues on The book list
(2) See video about Guateca
Wk 10
Nov. 24, Monday: Book Reports on Reinventing Ourselves
(1) Please see Story of Stuff Video
(2) Please see Permaculture at Pete’s
(3) Please read Article about me in the Mustang News
(4) Please bring in your Sustainability, Footprint
(5) Guateca, an after action review.
Nov. 26, Wednesday: (Holiday)
Wk 11
Dec. 1, Monday: Prepare for final exam and final presentations
Please see this video Summarizing what we’ve learned?
Wednesday Dec. 3
Final Exam, Discussions.
Course Evals
Prepare for final Potluck
Finals Week, Wednesday Dec 10, 1:00 PM: Potluck Dinner, Give Final Presentations.
Websites will be graded after midnight, Saturday night, Dec. 13th. Please send Email to pschwart@calpoly.edu before then indicating how things in your group went.