Winter Research Trip 2010
From December 10th – 22nd a group of 12 Cal Poly students, instructors Luzmi Delgado and Pete Schwartz, and Pete’s daughter Tekuru traveled to San Pablo Tacana. The primary purpose of the trip was to build a strong foundation of relationships between Cal Poly and San Pablo students.
During our time together, we created and administered a survey to asses San Pablo’s awareness about Guateca and Appropriate Technologies. The survey also functioned as a means to collect specific data for each of the project groups.
San Pablo Community Survey
Created, administered, and tabulated by San Pablo and Cal Poly students
Spanish Version
Survey Results
Power Point presentation (prepared by Robert Campbell) summarizing our results
Presentation on questionaires.pdf
Group Reports
At the conclusion of the trip, each of the project groups put together a final report summarizing their progress and learnings. Please follow links below for their accounts.
Oro Verde Report – Sustainable Agriculture Group
Buena Salud Report – Nutrition Group
Group Fire Report – Kitchen Group
Mejoramiento de Casas Report– Housing Group
Agua Nueva Report – Sanitation Group
Micro-Hydro Electricity Report