UNIV 392 Winter 2014: Appropriate Technology for the World’s People, Design
Please see the links below to the different projects this year
Group Title link to webpage |
Description of the topic that will be updated as we learn more | Helpful Links,References | Names of students group optional Email Addresses |
Solar Concentrators in the Earth W2014 | Using Earth and natural materials to make a concentrating mirror. | Guateca 2012 Cob Concentrator CP Solar Concentrator Facebook CP Solar Concentrator Winter 2012 Stoves of Cob Guateca 2012 Cob Stove |
Johanna Eklund (jceklund@calpoly.edu) Curtis Li (culi@calpoly.edu) John Sekerak (jsekerak@calpoly.edu) Mike Kim |
Solar Concentrator Layups | Using Latex and Cement to make a resilient reflecting dish. | Latex Cement Canvas Roof | David Larsen (dlarsen2300@verizon.net) Nina Vukicevic (ninavukicevic6@gmail.com) Austin Bertucci (austinbertucci@hotmail.com) |
Briquette Brigade 2014 | Compressing natural waste material into a brick that could be used for fires or building | Oryzatech Stak Blocks | Will Michul (wmichul@gmail.com) Jaclyn Van Natta (jvannatt@calpoly.edu Jake Wagner (jwagne09@calpoly.edu) Kelly Young (kyoung13@calpoly.edu) |
Rocket Stove Group | Improving the existing technology of rocket stoves to better fit a range of different areas and cultures. | Our Group Website | Tony Webster (ajwebste@calpoly.edu), Lena Andersson, Alex Horton, Amanda McCaulley, Rachel Pittman |
Cocoa/Oil Press | A jack powered press that will turn cocoa liquor into cocoa butter and cocoa powder. | Example Press | Garrett Morris (gmorris123@yahoo.com)
Chris Watanabe Adam Yee Memphis Wong |
Living Walls | Growing vegetables on the exterior walls of urban dwellings | Z Living Systems
Kenyan women grow fresh produce in “vertical farms” |
Nathan Goei Noe Klein Jesse Gibson Rachel Bourland John Franzino |