A Cross-Cultural Education at 10,000 ft
Guateca is an experiment in collaborative learning and development. Together, USA and Guatemalan college students study, learn, and innovate appropriate technologies, while addressing societal adjustment toward improving life “here” and “there”, as well as for “now”, and “tomorrow”.
The program is centered on a 2-month collaborative Appropriate Technology summer school in San Pablo Tacana, Guatemala during July and August. 20 USA and 20 Guatemalan students share languages and cultures, study “energy, society, and the environment” while collaboratively developing appropriate technologies, establishing sustainable enterprises, volunteering in the community, and building life-long relationships.
The program aims to improve the quality of life for both Guatemalans and North Americans by developing local sustainable businesses to strengthen the local and regional economy. Interdisciplinary service learning, team-oriented, project-based classes at Cal Poly (similar to MIT’s “D-Lab”) offer students cultural and historical appreciation of international development, year round direct interaction with San Pablo leaders and students, hands-on appropriate technology prototyping, and sustainable business development with a tangible opportunity to test these businesses in San Pablo.
To learn more about Guateca and how you can get involved, please visit the program’s main website: WWW.GUATECA.COM